I needed more writing time. One way of doing this was to cut my grooming time. My hair actually takes a bit to prepare. With the drying time, gel or pomading time, combing and styling time, I lose about 20 minutes. So, I decided to cut off my tresses. This is the shortest my hair has ever been. I like it. It takes me three minutes to prepare it now.
H A W T !
You are too adorable!
haha, just when I was thinking of growing my hair a bit, you reminded me of the trouble one has to go to to 'maintain' it. I'm having second thoughts now .. lol
Hey Noel! I love the new do!
I'm with you... I hate wasting time with my hair. You look fantastic either way! I was at a 4th party the other day and a guy there bragged that he had spent 45 minutes on his hair so didn't want to get in the pool. Too bad.
Look at you, all butch!
There's a "Gift of the Maji" type story in here somewhere...
I love it. It's like you're in the writing army.
the new do suits you, noel. :-)
Funnily enough, I've been busily doing just the opposite in pursuit of the same goal. I've been growing my hair out so that it takes less time in the morning and so that I can pull it back while I'm exercising and not look like a freak when I take it back down.
Have to say, your comments about running were part of what inspired me to join the gym, and it has brought me a great deal of unexpected peace and happiness.
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