Thursday, August 09, 2007

Literary Gore

During a late night You-Tubing fit, I came across this video interview with Gore Vidal, a brilliant writer. It's about his contempt for TV journalists and an inside take on what the rich and powerful feel about us. He says he's been around the "ruling class" and he knows their contempt for ordinary Americans.

Take a gander:


Don Cummings said...

I do love Gore Vidal...

When he's on Bill Maher---he's brilliant!

fred said...

Okay, okay, I'm back. The downside to that is that I now have six months of posts to catch up on :-(

Liz Dwyer said...

Love Gore Vidal. I love that he tells the truth. One of those studies came out today that shows how the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. It's like Oprah Winfrey not pumping her own gas since like 1985 or something. She totally can't relate anymore to the average American and she grew up with no money. Imagine some of these trust fund folks whose families have had loot for generations. I can't even imagine what their lives are like!