Monday, April 09, 2007

Literary Long Beach

I used to visit Long Beach when I was a boy. I remember thinking: I don't ever want to come to Long Beach if I don't have to. Well, times have changed! Long Beach has become one of those hip, happening parts of the county. The nightlife, the shopping, the restaurants have picked up since the 70's. Now, when people ask me if I wanna go to Long Beach, I say, heck yeah!

I said, Heck yeah when asked to read in the area. I'll be doing a reading of "Talking to the Moon" at Cal-State Long Beach on Thursday, April 19 at 3pm. It'll be at the USU Ballroom C. Ur, I'm not sure what USU means, but if you ask someone at the entrance they'll probably know.

1 comment:

mr jp said...

I guess you wouldn't appreciate going some places as a boy. Hmmm ...