Now, that the Oscars have come and gone, I want to point out that a novel makes a good picture, even the Best Picture. The Reader, Slumdog Millionaire were novels. The other two were also based on other literary forms--Benjamin Button (short story) and Frost/Nixon (play). I find it interesting that Hollywood is turning to already developed stories to make a movie.
Now, I've never written a screenplay (yet) or adapted a story for the screen, but I assume it's much easier that starting from scratch. Hollywood comes to a story with well-developed characters, plot, and a beginnning, middle, and end. What a dream!
I was thrilled when Slumdog won for best picture. I loved it! But I have to say the movie that hit my literary bone was The Reader. (Spoiler alert!) A major reason why Winslet's character Hannah makes such disasterous choices is because she is illerate. Hence, that's why she wants people to read to her.
A friend of mine was doing her dissertation on HIV in Thailand. She looked at sex workers and their behaviors. She found out that if a girl has four years of formal education, her chances of turning to prostitution greatly diminishes.
The imortance of education, particularly literacy, touches my very core.