Monday, November 13, 2006

Literary Fifty

My agent called and asked me about the new book. I said, We should be getting galleys of Talking to the Moon soon. He said, "No, the NEW book." I blushed. I told him my third novel is coming along S-L-O-W-L-Y. I have to do things like work, which takes up a good amount of time and energy. This is nothing new. Most artists know what I'm talking about.

Earlier this year, I promised to get a new novel to my agent. Uh, I'm nowhere near. The least I could do is get fifty pages to him by the end of the year. It's no novel--hey, it's something.


circuitmouse said...

Get to for some moral support and whatever style of motivation-kick 'n' the pants you need...

circuitmouse said...

Sisters in Crime / LA has something coming up for 'sophomore authors' on their schedule you might find interesting.

And they always have a fun, relaxed social time to chat with authors (and good eats).

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. There is apparently no more rest for the virtuous than there is for the wicked!

Yeah, come over to NaNoWriMo and use all the great resources for the next week. I've been using the 30 minute word wars to silence my inner editor and plunge ahead in in this first draft. It's a wild experience.