I finally saw the stunning Beowulf in 3D--Amazing! I didn't understand why no one had thought of bringing this epic English story to the screen before. What amazes me is that the original author of the story is unknown--who the hell wrote Beowulf?!?! I believe it was penned sometime in the first millenium. I doubt that the writer of Beowulf could have ever guessed that his (or her?) story would be enjoyed by those living in the third millenium.
On a side note, as I watched the movie, caught up in the troubles of fighting the first antagonist Grendel, I kept thinking of the Philippines' version of America's Next Top Model. Ur, the show is called Philippines' Next Top Model. The winner of the show is a lovely Filipina named...Grendel. What were her parents thinking naming their daughter after a legendary monster? (Grendel below)

the mr on the right of the picture looks constipated. haha ..
I'll name my son Gollum then .. haha
Maybe because they knew Grendel would also grow up to become a legendary monster?
Oh that's funny. Well she looks better than the candidates in the American version anyway.
I went to school with a girl named Paisley. No relation to Prince as far as I know.
Um. I don't think the real Grendel looks much more realistic than the CGI folk.
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