Back in 2007, when my second novel Talking to the Moon came out, I attended a literary event where Vince Flynn spoke. It was a crime/mystery dinner. I was invited because "Moon" dealt with a hate crime.
Mr. Flynn was tall and confident. He was introduced as a New York Times Bestselling author and with the success of his novels, he had easy access to the CIA. Apparently, his novels about spies are a favorite among spies.
I remember marveling at his success. He and I were about the same age, and I wondered what it meant to be that successful. To have several books make it to the New York Times Best Sellers List, must make him a man of means.
Now, I wondered, because he and I are about the same age, how he could have died. I know it was prostate cancer, but that doesn't diminish the fact that he was still young. He probably had many more books inside of him.
This is also a reminder that no matter how successful you get, you can't take it with you. I hope his family and friends find strength to endure this.