(A random pic with CNN's Wolf Blizter.)
It's funny how it's quiet for a long time, then--boom!--tae happens all at once. I'm going to be exhibiting ALL of my talents in one week.
1. April 4 at 7:30pm. Skylight Showcase. Skylight Books, 1818 N. Vermont in Los Feliz. I'll be reading my short story Laconic Messages of Love, which was anthologized in Best Gay American Short Stories, 2012, at the Skylight Showcase. The showcase will have a number of Skylight staffers showing off their skills in the fields of literature, music, film, installations, paintings. (I'll also have one of my paintings on view).
2. April 4 - April 28, The Culture of Communication, Casa0101, 2102 E. 1st Street, Los Angeles. I'll have some paintings in this group show, curated by the fine Margaret Garcia. Other artists include Joy Alumit, Kikki Eder, Margaret Garcia, Sergio Hernandez, Bonnie Lambert, Barry Markowitz, Ester Petschar, Monica Ramirez, Michael Rascon, Suzanne Urquiza and Others.
The Culture of Communication will compliment a fascinating play called Tamales de Puerco, a family drama about a Latino family dealing with a deaf child. It is a "trilingual play in English, Spanish and American Sign Language.
3. Sunday, April 7 at 8pm, The W(hole) Story: Anal Gazing, Not Navel Gazing. Akbar, 4356 W. Sunset (cross is Fountain in Silverlake). Suggested donation: $5. It's sorta like the gay version of the Vagina Monologues. I'll be returning to my first love--performance. There's been a new solo show percolating. I'll be showing a bit of it. It's curated by Steven Reigns and fellow artists include: Daniel Foster, Gavy Kessler, Chris Lung, Ian MacKinnon, Martin Martinez.
Hope to see you at some point!