I'd been reading about other writers' lives. I'm curious how other writers live and write. I enjoyed William Styron's (Sophie's Choice) book on battling depression. Depression seems to be a common thing among writers, which I completely understand. All that time alone, spent in your head--some mental health is being risked.
I enjoyed reading about Jeanette Winterson (see previous post). I really appreciated reading her struggle with fame, that a working class lesbian should be marginalized and misunderstood among the literati in her country. I'm reading David Sedaris who is always a hoot! I needed to read something a little lighter after reading Sytron and Winterson. I enjoyed reading that Sedaris used to clean houses to earn money. I always think of him as being erudite and, well, rather fru-fru. I didn't know he used to vacuum to earn money.
Next is Anne Lamott and her essays on faith. I'll let you know how that goes.